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Ekovisterlo - Eco smart healthy place |
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Vosa's logo - Vosa ersaka |
Ekovisterlo suomeksi - In Finnish
The name Vosa comes from basic concepts: vo is ability, strength, and sa is a basic concept expressing communication. Tevos means artificial language.
Vosa-ersa uut ob bessovosi: vo
oo voteete, voote a sa oo tusaate kautsaava bessovo. Tevos
obmaark livoteova vos.
Vosa artificial language, synopsis – Vosa tevos, tihöbkir
Toojorataf Veikko J. Pyhtilä, Finlo, 7.3.2025
Copyright Veikko J. Pyhtilä, Finland, 7.3.2025
You get search field by Ctrl-f-buttons in computer and by Search from page or the like in smart phone when searching for words in dictionaries.
Ja aaf sekkvaäng vy Ctrl-f-klikvosi in davö a vy Seek ja ob sid taj reliva in vissavö, na ja seek sasi in sisatosi.
Ekovisterlo - Eco wise healthy place
Ongsignoote a ideanoovte mu Vosa
Hova rattarva Vosa - Spiritual and ethical Vosa
Introducton to Vosa – Vosa edtuka
Many learning videos - Siri apdaavte kahötosi
An ingenious, new and evolving artificial language! Ylvisva, novva a autdeevva tevos!
Vosa could also be used as an unambiguous, more precise language for encoding knowledge for artificial intelligence and speech recognition. Vosa strives for unambiguous vocabulary and expressions without ambiguity.
Vosa vooif teoo li isklirsova, juspir vos for öbvoda koodte for tevis a sasa vokadaate. Vosa tutraa tu isvosova ejli silidakao oova sisato a kautsasi.
The main idea of Vosa - Vosa päidea
Knowing about 1000 basic concepts and root words are able derive 100 000-1 000 000 other words! We are making Vosa the easiest, most unambiguous and most flexible, however sufficiently expressive and beautiful language in the world. Contribute to it by commenting and otherwise participating!
Na davoota sujli 1000 besvososi a jursasi, ob itsi voota deriiv 100 000-1 000 000 tua sasi. Ajsi oo teenen Vosa gnost, isklirsost a joosvast, amut hanidrili kautsapova a kava vos in köl. Yys ja tu it vy öbmisaa a tuali ikaap!
Next, you will see how Vosa is built from basic concepts. You can give feedback if you feel that the derivatives are not sufficiently understandable derived from them. On the other hand, it is not intended to define new words exhaustively when derived from basic concepts, so they would become too long. Let's take the most significant features of the concept so that it is easier to memorize and stands out unambiguously from other words.
Na deva ja vokaa koli Vosa auttool ob besvososi. Ja voo faa deöbsa, if ja davofii syt derivsi ej oo hanidri dakavoli deriiven ob itsi. Tuaelli ej oo obro luufli na deriivta vy besvososi sideef novva sasi, ob itsi muuif ylrili luva. Aapta curost obervaosi tu voso, itli syt itof polyyte in sö gnopiir a it autervokaa ut tua sasi isklirsoli.
From basic concepts and root words to combound words about 60000 wordlines - Ut besvososi a jursasi tu vipasasi, ylli 60000 leijärsi in sasi luri jär
Vosa's quick learning - Vosa ipna sitedaavte
Basic concepts and word groups of Vosa video
Antonyms of Vosa's words and their formation video
2000 common words in Vosa and English video
2. Learn grammar! Apdaav ja vosdav!
3. Learn Vosa by topics and basic clauses over 3700 - Apdaav ja Vosa vy obsosi a beslusasi ylli 3700
5000 common words video
11000 common words Vosa-English 9 videos
3000 words video
More vocabularies
Vosa-Finnish-English dictionary by frequency about 60000 wordlines
English by frequency-Vosa-Finnish about 60000 words
English-Finnish-Vosa Dictionary about 60000 wordlines
Finnish-English-Vosa Dictionary about 60000 wordlines
English-Vosa-Finnish Dictionary about 60000 wordlines
Finnish-Vosa-English Dictionary about 60000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English Dictionary about 60000 wordlines
Vosa as poem-Finnish-English Dictionary about 60000 wordlines
English as poem-Vosa about 55000 wordlines
Language samples compared to Vosa -Vostekatosi erkaaenna vi Vosa
The following vocabularies are translated by a machine translator, not checked. However, you can get to know different languages compared to Vosa and learn words as well. - Deva sisatosi oota vosmuvööen, ei istaarken. Ja voo amut vikadaa tu er vossi erkaaenna tu vosa a apdaav ali sasi.
Vosa-Finnish-English-German-Swedish frequency over 15000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-Spanish-Portuguese frequency over 15000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-French-Esperanto frequency over 15000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-Russian-Ukrainian frequency over 15000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-Estonian frequency over 15000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-Hausa-Swahili frequency over 15000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-Chinese-Pinyin frequency over 40000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-Hindi-Lat frequency about 15000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-Arabic-Lat frequency over 15000 wordlines
Vosa-Finnish-English-Indonesian frequency over 15000 wordlines
Chinese syllables in pronunciation order
HSK 1-6 Chinese-Pinyin-English-Finnish over 5200 words for learning
English-Chinese-Pinyin-Finnish-Vosa over 1200 common sentences
Pronunciation and writing of letters in Vosa, English and Finnish - Kirkasi sahööte a kiirte in vosa, eng a fin
Closed, open or short long vowel could not be taken into account in English,because it depends on the position of the letter in the word. In Vosa and Finnish, a long vowel is marked with two vowels.You can see the pronunciation in more detail from different grammars.Pronunciation in Vosa is like in Finnish, see Finnish pronunciation, but š = sh and c = voiced s [z] in Vosa.The letters q, w, x, z, å are not used in Vosa. In the name of other languages, they can be transliterated as follows: q = kv, w = vu, x = ks, z = ts, å = o, or left unchanged.
Puooen, oupva taj ulva luva vou, ej oo voota obtaark in eng, syfor it obhääng kirka lo in sa. In vosa a fin luva vou maarkta vy du vousi. In vosa ej teoota kirkasi q, w, x, z, å. In tua vossi ersasi itsi voota maarkta devali: q=kv, w=vu, x=ks, z=ts, å=o, taj tejääta enli. Tarkpirli sahööte ja vokaa ut er vosdavsi. Ejre ut fin, š = sh a c = cöyhva s [z] in Vosa. Kaa ja Finva sahööte.
A |
a |
B |
b |
C |
[z] voiced s |
D |
d |
E |
e |
F |
f |
G |
g |
H |
h |
I |
i |
J |
j |
K |
k |
L |
l |
M |
m |
N |
n ([ŋ] ng, nk) |
O |
o |
P |
p |
Q |
kv |
R |
r |
S |
s (sh) |
T |
t |
U |
u |
V |
v |
W |
vu |
X |
ks |
Y |
y (german ü) |
Z |
ts |
Å |
o |
Ä |
ä [æ] |
Ö |
ö [ə] |
History of Vosa Vosa unda
The vocabulary is based on about 4 000 of the most common words in English and about 10 000 root words extracted from more than 90 000 words in Finnish in some word category form, as well as some religious vocabulary. Among them are also quite rare words in the Finnish language, which are in a test sense of how different nuances could be derived and whether good basic concepts could be found in them.
Li sisato alo oo sujli 4 000 eng tihnava sasi a ob fin ylli 90 000 sasi utkaapen sujli 10 000 jursasi in ö sapaersio kau a pirobli öri usideva sisato. Itsiof insio oo ali rafli hitnava fin sasi, kosi oo in votrami, koli er vaoipsi vooifta deriiv a keesifko ob itsi hava besvososi.
Since both English and Finnish language words have many different meanings in a different context, it has been tried to derive Vosa language words to exactly only one meaning of each word. So there are many Vosa words for one English or Finnish word.
Syfor a eng a fin sasi oof si er obmarksi in er viosi, Vosa sasi oota traaen deriiv tarkli ersili tu is obmark ob ki sasi. Itsy oo oonen si Vosa sasi tu is eng taj fin sa.
On the other hand, only one word of the Vosa language has been derived from some synonyms so that there would not be too much to learn for easy language. Only a good native speaker can understand the nuances accurately.
Tuaelli ob kosi remarksasi oo deriiven erisli is Vosa sa, syt ej ooif ylri siapdaavte for gnova vos. Vaoipsi dakavoo tarkli erisli hava öfva ofvos livoteejo.
Number of letters from Vosa, English and Finnish vocabulary of more than 15 000 words. - Kirka siöri ob Vosa, Eng a Fin ylli 15000 sasi sisato
The distribution does not show the actual distribution of English vowels and consonants because the words are spelled differently than pronounced, unlike in Vosa and in Finnish.
Ob iikri ej vokaa eng
rilva iikri of vousi a konsi, syfor sasi kiirta erlioli il sahööta, tuali il
in vosa a fin.
A = 12720 = 8764 = 16044
B = 1067 = 2340 = 116
C = 446 = 4970 = 3
D = 1711 = 3727 = 907
E = 6570 = 13471 = 7780
F = 1849 = 2103 = 122
G = 909 = 2640 = 216
H = 2855 = 3151 = 2608
I = 9441 = 8183 = 12790
J = 1797 = 195 = 1295
K = 4258 = 1266 = 7453
L = 5382 = 5959 = 7218
M = 2965 = 3049 = 3303
N = 2837 = 7398 = 7475
O = 9444 = 7467 = 5956
P = 4946 = 3535 = 3676
Q = 0 = 168 = 1
R = 5672 = 8543 = 4712
S = 5249 = 6729 = 7677
T = 6584 = 8610 = 11961
U = 6088 = 3929 = 7027
V = 6360 = 1257 = 3157
W = 0 = 1403 = 6
X = 0 = 291 = 1
Y = 1441 = 1895 = 2638
Z = 0 = 228 = 1
Å = 0 = 0
Ä = 1569 = 0 = 5779
Ö = 2327 = 0 = 770
Vosa development - Vosa dev
Development plan
Make good, as error-free as possible, clear and extensive vocabularies.
Make video training materials.
Make lots of example sentences.
Make language translators with Python programming language libraries.
Tee ja hava, vost sovikejva, soklirva leileiva sisatosi.
Tee ja kahöto-davmosi.
Tee ja pipili edkalusasi.
Tee ja vosmuuvösi vy Python-proogtevos sikirlösi
Welcome to use Vosa!
Terut teoo Vosa!
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