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Vosa Grammar– Vosa Vosdav |
Copyright Veikko J. Pyhtilä,
Finland, 7.11.2024.
Toojorataf Veikko J. Pyhtilä, Finlo, 7.11.2024.
Sounds and Letters – Sahösi a kirkasi
Conjunctions and others – Asasi a tuasi
Prepositions and Postpositions – Edsasi a desasi
Using punctuation marks – Välmarksi teo
Splitting a word into different lines – Sa iikso le er leijärsi
Classify consecutive series when deriving words! – Paersioote eddeva serisi, na ja deriiv sasi!
The grammar is short because
this language is regular and simple.
Vosdav oo ulva, syfor tä vos oo pöregliva
a isgnova.
Sounds and Letters – Sahösi a kirkasi
a, b, c (voiced s = cöynva-s), d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n o, p, r, s,
t, u, v, y, ä, ö. So there are 16 consonants and vowels 8, for a total of 24 letters.
Syklirli konssi oo 16 a vousi oo 8, virili 24 kirkasi.
Letters of proper nouns are changed or they can be left as they are.
Ersasi kirkasi temuuta taj itsi voota tejää enli.
q > kv, w > vu, x > ks, Z > ts å > oo and other possible
characters. =
a tuasi vova marksi.
order = A-öjär: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s,
t, u, v, y, ä, ö.
Letters pronouncing = Kirkasi sahööte: aa, bee, cee (voiced s = cöyhva
s), dee, ee, ef, gee, hoo, ii, jii, koo, el, em, en, oo, pee, er, es, tee, uu,
vee, yy, ää, öö.
Pronunciation is based on the Finnish pronunciation, but š = sh in Vosa.
Words are pronounced as they are written. Except: Ang-sound of the called nk
and ng . C is n-voiced s, mouth -s is expressed by sh.
Sahööte oo li fin sahööte. Sasi sahööta
li itsi kiirta. Öej: Äng-sahö nk a ng. C oo cöyhva s, shu-s kautsaata vy sh.
The accent
of a word is usually on the first syllable, but you can freely emphasize
different syllables in the speech, which gives emphasis. When spelling letters,
they may have nuances in different languages as long as they are only
distinguished by their basic pronunciation and are recognized as the same
Saof lypo oo tihna la isva saik, mut in sasa voo frili lypoo er saiksi, kona tonoaafta lyposi. Na kirkasi sahööta voo in itsi oo in er vosasi oova vaoipsi, na a itsi erisli in bessahööte autervokaa a vokadaata re kirka.
Nouns – Osasi
The verb
becomes a noun by removing the vowel doubling or appending -so, -o or -te
suffixes .
Tesa muu tu osa vy aap ur vouduute taj vy rupaa -so, -o
taj -te -önsasi.
The adjective
becomes a noun by connecting the -o suffix .
Vasa muu tu osa vy rupaa -o önsa.
Plural with -si suffix. word = sa, words = sasi. Collective
with the prefix si-, vocabulary = sisato (to = product).
Sisakau vi -si önrupa, sa > sasi. Sivio vi
si-önrupa > sisato.
Genitiv with -of suffix and
of preposition.
Ofsa vi -of önrupa a of edsa.
I, my. Matti, Matti’s.
Aj, ajof. Matti. Mattiof.
Matti’s and Maija’s car is better to say: Tuvö of Matti a Maija.
Mattiof a Majaof tuvö oo hapir saa: Tuvö of Matti a Maija.
Often a genitive is not needed, even when used in Finnish or in English,
eg overgrowth of a cell = sol ylpir.
Tihna ej niidta ofsa, tajli in fin or in eng teoota. Edkali solof ylpir
= sol ylpir
There are no genera or cases. Case is expressed by a preposition and
postposition, which can be connected also to the root word.
Cejsi a culosakausi ej oo. Culosakausi kautsaata vi edsasi a desasi, kosi
voota rupaa ali tu jursa.
Articles – Defsasi
There are
no articles, but equivalent expressions are obtained by pointing pronouns. Defsasi ej oo, mut itsi lireobva kautsasi aafta tukaava
This, that,
that, these, those, those.
Tä, ät, it, täsi, ätsi, itsi.
The word ö can also express indefiniteness.
Sa ö voo ali kautsaa kratvao.
Adjectives – Vasasi
adjectives have the ending –va . If the suffix -va is in other places of
a word, it is no longer an adjective, and the -va suffix may not form words
other than adjectives. Exception kva = 4.
Ki vasasi oof önrupa -va. If va-önsa oo in tua losi sa, it ejpirnen oo
vasa a vy va-önrupa ej aaf kautee tua sasi li vasasi. Ejre kva = 4.
The comparative is formed by the suffix -pir = more and superlative
by the suffix -st = most. They will be attached by removing –va.
Pirkau kauteeta
vy önrupa –pir = pipir a stkau vy –st pist önrupa . Itsi
rupaata vy aap yr -va..
Big > bigger = piva > pipir, biggest = pist.
More = pir, less = rip.
Increase = piir, decrease = riip.
Numerals – Sisasi
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 24, 100, 102, 1000, 1200, million, billion,
tera, peta, exa
is, du, tre, kva, fiv, sik, sev, aht, nan, bas, basis, basdu, dubaskva, ces,
cesdu, dis, disduces, fos, gus, hys, jäs, kös.
The rating system is used to derive the words in consecutive series, by the next
prefixes. Vy paersioote lijär deriivta sasi li eddeva serisi, vy deva edrupasi:
ba-, ce-, di-, fo- , gu-, hy-, jä-, kö-. Multiples of numerals is
obtained by the following words. Sivaosi of siösa aafta vy deva sasi: ten, a
hundred, a thousand, a million, a billion, thousand billion, million billion,
billion billion. bas, ces, dis, fos, gus, hys, jäs, kös = 10, 100,
1000, 106, 109, 1012, 1015, 1018
deka, hehto, kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, eksa.
The sequence numbers are formed by the -va suffix. Järsisasi kauteeta vy –va önrupa. First, third = Isva, treva.
The parts
are formed by the -ik-suffix. Half, quarter, ppm (micro). = Iksi
kauteeta vy -ik-önrupa. Duik, kvaik, fosik.
Basik, cesik, disik, fosik, gusik, hysik, jäsik, kösik = 10-1,
10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-9,10-12,
10-15, 10-18.
Pronouns – Cuosasi
a, an = ö
nobody = ejjo
nothing = ejko
few = ipsi
what ever = ko sattaj
all, every = ki
I, you, he / she, we, you, they. No
Aj, ja, hä, ajsi, jasi, häsi. Ej sakausi..
This, that,
it, these, those, they. No inflexions.
Tä, ät, it, täsi, ätsi, itsi. Ej sakausi foukausi.
is obtained by attaching the of suffix to the pronoun.
Oofo aafta vy rupaa of-önsa tu cuosa.
who = kojo, which = ko
Self and other = aut and tua, are connected to verbs, when the
verb changes meaning.
Aut a tua , rupaata tu tesasi, kona tesa obmark
one another = tua tua, others to each other = tuasi tuasi
a = ö
a few = ipsi
about him = öb hä
about me = öb aj
about other = öb tua
additional = tua
all = ki
all of = kiki
among other things = intuasi
an = ö
any = ejö
any = öjo
anybody = ejjo
anybody = öjo
anyone = ejkojo
anyone = kojo sattaj
anyone = öjo
anything = ejko
anything = ejö
anything = ö
anything else = ejö tua
anywhere = ejkointu
anywhere = ejkolo
anywhere = kolo a
anywhere = kotu a
anywhere anytime = koin kona
at least not = ripstli ej
aught = ejö
both = duvio
both of them = dutaj
by this = vy tä
each = duvio
each = ki
each = obki
either = dutajej
either = tajdu
either one = tajdu
else = tua
every = ki
every single = kiki
everybody = ki
everyone = ki
everyone = obki
everyone's = kiof
everything = ki
few = ipsi
for each = tu ki
for everyone = tu ki
for it = le it
for this = le tä
for you = for ja
from anything = kout a
from me = ut aj
from the rest = ut tua
from what = kout
from where = kout
from whom = kojout
from you = ut ja
he = hä
her = hä
her = häof
hers = häof
herself = hä aut
him = hä
himself = hä aut
his = häof
how many = siko
I = aj
it = it
its = itof
many = si
me = aj
mine = ajof
multi = si
multiple = si
my = ajof
myself = aj aut
neither = ejkojo
neither = ejtajdu
nobody = ejjo
nobody = ejkojo
nothing = ejö
nothing else = ejö tua
nought = ejö
now here now there = koin kona
nowhere = ejkotu
of these = täsiof
one = ö
one of two = tajdu
one or the other = tajdu
one or two = ipsi
other = tua
others = tuasiof
our = ajsiof
ours = ajsiof
ourselves = ajsi aut
remaining = tua
she = hä
some = ipsi
some = öjosi
some = ösi
somebody = ö
somebody = öjo
somebody's = öjo-of
someone = ö
someone = öjo
someone's = öjo-of
something = ö
sometimes this sometimes that = koö sattaj
somewhere = tu ölo
that = ät
that = ko
that there = ät
that's it = it öb it
the = it
thee = ja
their = häsiof
their = itsiof
theirs = häsiof
theirs = itsiof
themselves = häsi aut
these = täsi
they = häsi
they = itsi
thine = jaof
this = tä
this = täna
those = ätsi
thou = ja
thy = jaof
thyself = ja aut
to = mu
to her = tu hä
to him = tu hä
to me = tu aj
to which = kole
to whom = kojotu
to you = tu ja
various = si
we = ajsi
what = ko
what about = koöb
what ever = koö sattaj
whatever = ko sattaj
whatsoever = ko sattaj
whence = kout
where = kolo
where = kotu
where from = kout
where to = kotu
wheresoever = kolo sattaj
wherever = kointu sattaj
wherever = kolo sattaj
which = ko
which = koö
which about = koöb
which in order = sivako
which one (of two) = dutajko
which one's = ko-of
whichever = dutajko
whither = kotu
who = kojo
who ever = kojo sattaj
who for = kojofor
whoever = kojo sattaj
whom = kojo
whom = koö
whose = kojo-of
whose = kojosi-of
whose = kosiof
whosoever = kojo sattaj
ye = ja
ye = jasi
you = ja
you = jasi
your = jaof
your = jasiof
yours = jaof
yourself = ja aut
yourself = jasi aut
Question words – Kootesasi
What = Ko?
Who? = Kojo?
What kind? = Kova?
How? = Koli?
By what? = Kovy?
With what? Kovi?
When? = Kona?
What’s the time? = Kono?
How much? = Kori?
How many? = Siko?
How big? = Koli piva?
What place? = Kolo?
Where? = Koin?
At who? = Tut kojo?
Where to? = Kotu?
From where? = Kout?
Why? = Kosy?
For what? = Kofor?
Is it it? = Itko?
Is it he? = Häko?
Is it this? = Täko?
Is it thät? = Ätko?
What are you doing? = Ko ja tee?
Do you? = Teeko ja?
You do? = Jako tee?
to ask = koo
to answer = ook
question = koote
answer = ookte
Verbs – Tesasi
Verbs are
formed by doubling the last vowel of a word.
Tesa kauteeta vy duute önva vou of sa.
deed, do = te, tee
standard, standardize = sirepipri, sirepiprii.
Passive is formed by connecting to the end of the verb –ta suffix.
Passiv kauteeta vy rupaa vi tesa ön -ta.
Verb tenses: I’ll do, I did, I’ve done, I was done. I’ll do. Was made. Will be done. Done, written.
Nokausi: Aj tee, aj tee-en, aj oo tee-en , aj ooen tee-en. Aj teene.
Tee-enta. Teetane. Tee-en, kiiren.
going on by –nen suffix , under construction = toolnen
teenen vy -nen rupa, toolnen
Participles: Reading = riikva, has read = oo riiken, is read = oota
riiken or oo riikenta. He is a known person. = Hä oota kavodaaen hojo. He has known me. = Hä oo
kavodaaen aj. He has a well-known person at work. Hä oof kavodaaen hojo in tösi.
Vaoliosi: riikva, oo riiken, oota riiken taj oo riikenta. Hä oota kavodaaen hojo. Hä
oo kavodaaen aj. Hä oof kavodaaen hojo in tösi.
The hyphen
should be used if there are three similar vowels in a row for clarity. tee-en
Medlin piit teoo, if uutif tre reva vousi edde for soklirvao. tee-en
Conditional sentence: If I were rich, I would buy a detached house.
Ifolusa: If aj ooif ritsva, aj ääfif öftol.
Potential sentence, might: I might (perhaps would) start a business.
Mejlusa: Aj meej altoo tralö.
Imperative, command clause: Go out! Let us go out! Let him go out! Let them
go out!
Pötusalusa: Tuu ja nitu! Tuu jasi nitu! Tuu ajsi nitu! Tuu hä nitu! Tuu häsi nitu!
Question clause: Do you go to the store? Yes (I go). No (I don’t).
Kolusa: Tuuko ja (intu) fäflo? Je (aj tuu). Ej (aj ej tuu).
Once a verb
prefix is is-: = Isna tesasi nörupa oo is is-: say = saa, mention
= issaa.
For a long time, many times, the prefix is si- or doubling root word:
Luna, si isnosi nörupa oo si- taj vy duteeta jursa: talk (many
times) = sisasaa, speak = sasaa
Thus si- form is plural of verb and is-form is singular of verb.
Syklirli si-kau oo tesaof sisakau a is- oo tesaof
of transitive and intransitive verbs . The verb can be in the basic form
of both one, in this case a transitive verb becomes intransitive with aut-
prefix and from inransitive verb transitive with te- or pa- prefixes.
Kauteo of obsa-aafva a ejobsa-aafva tesasi. Tesa voo oo in beskau tajdu,
täna ob obva tesa aafta ejobva vy aut-edrupa a ejobva vy te- taj pa-edrupasi.
form snetences = kautee lusasi
steam is formed = vomhom autkautee
eat = eem
feed = paeem
It begins. = It nöö.
He starts work. = Hä tenöö tö.
itself by the verb prefix = Autli
vy tesa edsa: itself = aut, look = kaa, is seen = autkaa.
develop = deev, is developing = autdeev
Doing by other = vy tua:
He has his hair cut. = Hä tuakuuten häöf päsiheör.
cut = kuut
clean = kliin
wash himself = autvoosh
have wash = tuavoosh
become clean = autkliin
have clean = tuakliin
Conjunctions and others – Asasi a tuasi
absolutely = isna a
after = dein
after = detu
after = kadetu
after = ne
albeit = tajli a
also = ali a
although = tajli
among other things = intuasi
and = a
and = pirri
and also = a ali
and not = a ej
anytime = kona sattaj
as = itli li
as = li
as well as = li
because = syfor
before = edel
before = edle
before = en
before = en li
both and = duvio a
but = mut
consequently = syklirli
did he already = ripnenko
each = duvio
either = tajdu
either = tajko
ergo = syklirli
even = jea
for = for
for = gö
for = göfali
for = obri
for = syfor
God knows = sattali
hardly = ejejje
hardly = ejejje
How great it is (really, do be, also)! = Koli väkava it oo a!
however = amut
i.e. = tuasaali
if = if
if not = ifej
in order to = syt
in other words = tuasaali
in the event that = ifliko
indeed = rilli a
just = isna a
lest = sytej
like = itli li
like = li
like that = itli
nay = ej
neither = ejtajdu
no = ej
non = ej
nor = a ej
nor = ejali
not = ej
now here now there = kona la sattaj
or = taj
or = tuasaali
plus = pirri
provided = ifliko
provided that = if
since = iten
since = itnapir
since = syfor
since = urtuli
so = itli
so = itsy
so = itsy a
so = syklirli
so = tuasaali a
so that = syt
sometimes this sometimes that = koö sattaj
such as = li
supposedly = lije
surely = rilje
than = il
that = syt
that is = tuasaali
then = syklirli
therefore = syklirli
though = ejtajli
though = jetajli
though = rilsyli
though = tajli
till = tuna
unless = ifej
until = tuitna
until = tuna
until = ättu
whatsoever = ko sattaj
when = kona
when = kona a
when = na
where = in kojosi
where = kointu
where = kolo
where = kotu
whether = if
while = itvälna
while = na anen
while = rena
whoever = sattaj
with it = vy it
yea = je
yes = je
yet = amut
yet = pirnen
Adverbs - Lilonosasi
The way
how, is expressed by li-suffix, eg. good = hava, well = hali or havali.
Lio koli, kasaata vy li-önsa, edkali hava, hali,
Place and
other adverb-like words can be formed by prepositions and postpositions, see
the following section. When attached to the body of a word, the word becomes an
Lo a tuasi lilonosasi liva sasi voota kautee vy edsasi
a desasi, kaa ja itsi ut deva iplo. Na itsi rupaata saof bod, muu sa mu
lilonosa kautsa.
here = täla, täin
Amount how much, is expressed by ri-suffix.
Ri koli piri kasaata vy ri-rupa.
big = piva, much = piri, many = si .
Time when, is expressed by the -na-suffix or na
No kona kautsaata vy -na-rupa taj na edsa.
then = itna
on day = tanna
between = välna, in väl
per day = in tan
The reason may be expressed by the suffix sy.
Sy voota kasaa sy-rupa.
because of this = täsy
See more from a vosa dictionary! = Kaa pir ut ö vosa sisato!
Prepositions and Postpositions – Edsasi a desasi
above = edla
above = yltalla
according = vili
after = dein
after = detu
after = ne
against = ög
against = ögtu
ago = iten
alongside = sidvi
among = insio
among = siovi
aside = sidin
aside = sidtu
at = na
at = tut
away = yr
because of = syfor
become as = muu mu
before = en
behind = de
behind = kadetu
below = al
beneath = al
beside = sidvi
between = vältu
by = tuno
by = tut
by = vili
by = vy
close to = dimtut
close to = tut
down = lytu
due to = sy
during = na
eng = vosa
far = far
far = lule
for = for
for = syfor
for sake of = syfor
from = ut
from (time) = nööli
from (time) = ut no
from behind = kadeut
from below = utel
from on = el
from within = inut
high (up) = ylla
in = in
in = obla
in favor of = in micu
in front of = kaedtu
in possession = ofvi
in respect to = cu
in the middle = midin
indoors = in
inside = in
inside = inosidla
inside = intu
into = intu
made of = tooen ob
near = tut
next to = sidvi
of = -of
off = yr
on = la
on = le
on = luraf
on account of = syfor
on behalf of = gö
out = kaut
out = nitu
over = tu keili
over = ylli
owing to = syfor
per = obri
prior = en
since = utit na
to = tu
to (clock) = en
to and fro = tu a ut
together = revi
toward = tuob
towards = obcu
under = al
under = alle
under = alli
until = ättu
until = tuitna
unto = tu
up = yltu
upon = le
via = intuni
with = ofvi
with = vi
within = in
without = ejli
See more from a vosa dictionary! = Kaa pir ut ö vosa sisato!
Word order – Sajär
questions, the predicate comes before the subject.
In kosi teolusaik uut ed josa.
Are you? = Ooko
In the imperative, the verb comes before personal pronoun or the word meaning
In pösakau tesa uut ed hojocuosa taj hojo obmaarkva
Do! = Tee
Let him / her do! = Tee hä!
Do! = Tee jasi!
The location of the object may vary. However, it should be noted that
subjects and objects do not mix. By emphasizing words and word order, you can
emphasize their importance.
Obsa lo voo siermuu. Oo amut obtaark, syt josasi a obasi ej auträäj vigög.
Vy lypoo a sajär voo yloob itsi curovao.
I’ll build a beautiful house. A beautiful house I’m building. I am building a
beautiful house
Aj tool (toolne) kava tol. Kava tol aj tool. Aj toolnen kava tol.
The position of an adverb in a sentence may vary according to its emphasis.
Linolosa lo in lusa voo siermuu vili lypoote.
Using punctuation marks – Välmarksi teo
Dots, commas, semicolons, colon, question marks, exclamation marks, dashes, number separators, hyphens, quotes are just like in Finnish or in English. If two identical vowels appear between compound parts of words, they are separated by a hyphen, so that two similar vowels in the word do not become similar looking to the verb. Likewise, root words in long word can be separated by a hyphen or an empty space for clarity, and also when joining connecting parts would mix the word with other words.
Dotsi, ierdotsi, dotiksi, dudotsi, kootemarksi, sämarksi, soosolinsi, kasiö erurpaavosi, saiklinsi oo li in fin taj in eng. If vältu vipaiksi uut du re vousi, itsi erurpaata vi saiklin, syt ej du re vousi in sa muu vi tesa likava. Reli voota luva sasi sabessi erurpaa vy saiklinsi taj vy lufva väl a ali itna, na rupaata vipaiksi sa auträäjif vi tua sasi.
Upper case – Piva nökirka
initials of the sentence, proper names, chemical symbols and abbreviations in
the names of the substances are capitalized.
Lusa nökirka, ersasi, in mo ersasi oova kemdava marksi
a ulsasi kiirta vi piva nökirka.
Splitting a word into different lines – Sa iikso le er leijärsi
between stem words or preferably not separate words into different lines.
Iik ja el väl jursasi taj mihastli ej iik sasi intu er
Deriving words – Sasi diirte
The principle is that as many words as possible are derived from basic stem syllables. If the word becomes too long, and can not be understandable they can be derived from the general stem words by combining, could be taken from eg. English language or globally well known words, which is shortened when needed, and be accompanied by any additional suffix to indicate the word group, for example. animal, place etc. And connecting between hyphens, if the word will be mixed with other words, so the perception of connecting elements is more clearly . Or a compund word can be a word combination by making empties between parts of the word.
Alide oo, syt vostli piri deriivta sasi ob besjursaiksi. If sa muu luva, a it ej voota dakavoli deriiv ob tihnava bessasi vy sivipaa, kaata edkali ob eng taj kölleili hali kavodaaen sasi beso, koö uulta na niidta a rupaata voli pirönsa for kautsaa sa iksio edkali pe, lo a itli depirna (aid.). Na kauteeta vipasasi voota paa tu itsiof väl saiklinsi, if sa auträäjif vi tua sasi a vipaiksi hokauute oo soklirpir. Taj vipasa voo oo savipö luf til inväl saof iksi.
Basic concepts - Besvososi
a, an = ö
ahead / after = ed / de
amount = ri, -ri
and = a
be = oo
beautiful / ugly = kava / akva
before / after = ne / en
being = o, -o
believe, belief = uus, us
big / small = piva / ipva
can = voo
carry / bring = gaa / aag
cause / effect = sy / ys
collective = si-
color = kä
compulsion, must = pit, piit
data, know = da, daa
direction = dir
do = tee
doing = te
eat, food = eem, em
-er, person = -jo, hojo
father / mother = ma / am
feeling, sense, feel = fi, fii
genetive = -of, of
give / get = faa / aaf
go / come = tuu / uut
good / bad = hava / ahva
happening = häp
have, possess = oof, ööf
he, she = hä
health / desease = ter / ret
high / low = ylva / lyva
I / you = aj / ja
in / out = in / ni
it = it
language = vos
light / darkness = kat / tak
like, as, -ly = li, -li
live, life = ee, eo
look = kaa
machine = vö
man / woman = mä / äm
material, substance = mo, -mo
mind = mi
movement,moving, move = uo, uu
new / old = novva / vonva
now = nen
on / under = la / al
one / many, plural = is / si, -si
onto / from on = le / el
order / disorder = jär / räj
organ / member = ev / ve
parents = mamsi
passive = -ta
past tense with verbs, future = -en, -ne
people = mämsi
person = jo, -jo
place = lo, -lo
plan / animal = ep / pe
power = pö
power, energy = po, pori
produce = too
product = to, -to
put / take = paa / aap
quality, adjective = vao, -va
question, ask / answer, to answer = koote, ko-, -ko, koo / ok, ookte , ook
relation, attitude = cu
remember / forget = söö / öös
roundness = rau
same / different = re / er
science = dä
self / other = aut / tua
sight = voka
spirit, air, gas = ho, hom, ham
status, condition, climate = sta, nista
than = il
thing, think = so, soo
this / that, a certain = tä / ät
time = no, -no
to / from = tu / ut
tool = vo
value, money = ro, rov
voice, hear = hö, vohöö
water = vam
way = lio
when, during = na, -na
with, together = vi, vi- ,-vi
word, say = sa, saa
work = tö
yuong / old = nuva / unva
Plural and collective: = Sisakau a sivio: kam = stone, kamsi
= stones , sikam = rock land (place where many stones) .
Chemical substances, especially elements, are named mo + chemical sign.
Kemdava mosi, erobli nömosi, ersaata mo + kemdava mark.
iron = moFe (pronounced mofe, sahööta mofe), bronze = moCuSn (pronounced
mocusn, kausaata mocusn).
Opposites are formed by reversing the letters or by appending ej-,
Ögiplosi kauteeta vy töönte kirkasi öggöli taj
vy ej-, -ej rupasi.
good = hava
/ bad = ahva
no = ej , yes = je.
Verbs are formed by vowel doubling .
Tesasi kauteeta vy vouduute.
eej = prohibit, deny; jee = admit, accept.
Adjectives are formed with –va suffix.
Vasasi kauteeta vy –va rupa
ejva = negative, jeva = positive.
Lio kasaata vy –li rupa.
hava = good; hali = well; ahva = bad; ahli = badly, poorly.
Verbs and adjectives are made nouns by adding the -so, -o or -te
Tesasi a vasasi teeta mu osasi vy pirpaa -so,
-o taj –te rupa.
hava = good, havao = goodness.
tee = do, te = deed, teete
= doing.
Or the form of verbs without vowel doubling is already a noun. When the suffix
is added, the verbs can retain the vowel doubling, if you want to emphasize
the doing or omit it so becomes a shorter word.
Taj kau of tesasi ejli vouduute oo ripnen osa. Na rupa pirpaata, itli tesasi
voota tejää vouduute, if obraata yloob teete taj aap yr itli muu lupir sa.
By vowels degrees:
Vy vousi lylrisi:
da = knowledge, dä = science
vo = tool, vö = machine
lo = place, lö = institution
tuu = go, tyy = run
saa = say, sää = shout
soo = think, söö = remember
Repeat, duration, intensity and multiplicity:
Dute, nori, povao a pirio:
saa = say, sasaa = speak
hee = smile, hehee = laugh
ipva = small, ipipva = minute
Making smaller and bigger:
Ippiirte a pipiirte:
mä = man, ipmä = boy
jär = order, räj = mess-up, piräj = chaos
mej + ulva (mejli = maybe, perhaps), shortish = mejulva
mejipva = quite small
Classify consecutive series when deriving words! – Paersioote eddeva serisi, na ja deriiv sasi!
Next, the coding system – the classification system , when do not have to come up with so many denominations for consecutive rankings – these are phonetically quite different (consonants in alphabetical order followed by vowels in alphabetical order). The rating system for deriving words in consecutive series, the prefixes: ba-, ce-, di-, fo-, gu-, hy-, jä-, kö-. It can be used also other well-known stems in deriving words, if they are generally used internationally.
Mu deva koodte lijär – paersioote lijär, kona ej niid ideavoo itli si ersafasi for eddeva rolylrisi, täsi autervokaa ali sahöli rafli hali ut tuasi (konssi in a-öjär, ne kosi oo paaenta vousi in a-öjär. Paersioote lijär for deriiv sasi eddeva serisi, edrupasi: ba-, ce-, di-, fo-, gu-, hy-, jä-, kö-. Voota patee ali tuasi siremuuen bessi na diirte, if itsi oo hyjsiviculi kadava.
Phonetic beauty, expressiveness, descriptiveness can be obtained more in the language – Sahöva kavao, liedkavao, katoolivao voota aaf pir tu vos.
Use more diphthongs in stem
Pateeta ja in bessasi pir duervousi.
ae. ea, ai, ia, ao, oa, au, ua, ei, ie, eo, oe, eu, ue, io, oi, iu, ui, iy, yi,
iä, äi, iö, öi, ou, uo,yä, äy, yö, öy, äö, öä. ..
Verbs come in two successive vowels. On the other hand, one has to think about
the ease of pronouncing words and sitting them in complete sentences.
Tesasi oof du re eddeva vousi. Tuaelli piit soo sahööte gnovao a sasi
siitte tu kiova lusasi.
Select syllables for stem
words, which are not yet used.
Mu bessasi aphakaata saiksi, kosi ej oo pirnen na teo.
You can check by the
ctrl-f-keys obtained search field in the browser, that there is not in
Vosa-dictionaries already the stem word or the letter combination, before
creating a new stem or derivative.
Voo istaark vy ctrl-f klikvosi aafva seekte leimol in sikariikvo, syt ej sisato
oof ripnen tä bes a kirka vipa, en na novtee novva bessa taj deriiven sa.
How good, clear and easy to learn Vosa becomes depends on the vocabulary. Deriving words is balancing and optimization between these principles:
1. Words are as short as possible.
2. The words must be different enough from the other words.
3. Words are phonologically descriptive, beautiful and easy to pronounce.
4. Words are logically derived from basic concepts.
5. The most common words are often the stem words.
6. Nuances can be expressed by attributes or new basic concepts.
7. Must not be exact synonyms or homonyms.
8. Antonyms, opposites of basic words are usually formed by reversing the letters from beginning to end or by ej-prefix.
9. Take a distinctive feature of the concepts and use it in deriving.
10. If the derivative word is described exhaustively in basic stem words, the words will become too long.
11. Avoid taking words directly from other languages, always try to derive new words from basic concepts.
12. If a word is phonetically very descriptive and sits in Vosa well and it would be difficult to derive from basic concepts, then it can be taken from other languages.
13. It is possible to use scientific terms, eg biota, medicine, which are quite rare in general language.
14. New base syllables need to be added to make the language richer and finer.
15. Vosa must be made a language that expresses accurately and unambiguously.
16. When translating Vosa into other languages, the best equivalents should be found, their meanings clarified and limited to one concept.
Obhääng ob sisato koli hava, soklirva a gnoli daav Vosa muu. Sasi deriivte oo talhevriite a hastvostaate välla deva alidesi:
1. Sasi oo vostli ulva.
2. Sasi piit autervokaa ut tua sasi.
3. Sasi oo sahöli katoova, kava a gnoli sahöö.
4. Sasi oo deriiven tuvisdali ut besvososi.
5. Tihnast sasi oo sina bessasi.
6. Vaoipsi voo kautsaa vy defsi taj novva besvososi.
7. Ej tarkli re obmaarkva remarksasi taj resasi.
8. Ögsasi, ögiplosi ob bessasi kauteeta töönen kirkasi ut nö tu ön taj vy ej-rupa.
9. Aapta ob voso ö autervokaava obervao a it teoota in deriivte.
10. If deriivva sa kasaata luufli vy besvososi, muu ylrili luva sasi.
11. Urpiitta aapte sasi reili ob tua vossi, tutraata kina deriiv ob besvososi.
12. If sa oo sahöli hali katoova a siit tu Vosa hali a ooif ongva deriiv ob besvososi , itli voo taa aap bessi ob tua vossi.
13. Voota teoo däva daersasi edkali öb eösi, terdä, kosi oo in tihnavos rafli hitnova.
14. Piit pirpaata novva bessaiksi, syt vos muu ritspir a väkapir.
15. Vosa piit tee tarkli a isklirsoli kautsaava vos.
16. Na vosmuute Vosa mu tua vossi, piitif kees hast lireobsi, tarkpiir a liim itsiof obmarksi tu is voso.
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