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Vosan historia, tarve ja kehittäminen video
History, need and development of Vosa video
Vosan historiaa ja mahdollista tulevaa kehittämistä
History of Vosa and possible future development
Development plan
Make good, as error-free as possible, clear and extensive vocabularies.
Make video training materials.
Make lots of example sentences.
Make language translators with Python programming language libraries.
Tee hyvät, mahdollisimman virheettömät, selkeät laajat sanastot.
Tee video-opetusmateriaaleja.
Tee valtavasti esimerkkilauseita.
Tee kielenkääntäjiä Python-ohjelmointikielen krjastoilla.
Tee ja hava, vost sovikejva, soklirva leileiva sisatosi.
Tee ja kahöto-padavmososi.
Tee ja pipili edkalusasi.
Tee ja vosmuuvösi vy Python-proogtevos sikirlösi
How good, clear and easy to learn Vosa becomes depends on the vocabulary.
Se, kuinka hyvä, selkeä ja helppo oppia Vosasta tulee, riippuu sanastosta.
Preliminary about 60000 words vocabulary has been made. From this basic vocabulary, words can then be easily derived up to 100000 words. In addition, later, if supplemented with specialized vocabularies from different fields, Vosa will become a useful language for all communication.
Alustava noin 60 000 sanan sanasto on tehty. Tästä perussanastosta voidaan helposti johtaa sanoja jopa 100 000 sanaan. Lisäksi Vosasta tulee myöhemmin hyödyllinen kieli kaikessa viestinnässä, jos sitä täydennetään eri alojen erikoissanastoilla.
How good, clear and easy to learn Vosa becomes depends on the vocabulary. Deriving words is balancing and optimization between these principles:
1. Words are as short as possible.
2. The words must be different enough from the other words.
3. Words are phonologically descriptive, beautiful and easy to pronounce.
4. Words are logically derived from basic concepts.
5. The most common words are often the stem words.
6. Nuances can be expressed by attributes or new basic concepts.
7. Must not be exact synonyms or homonyms.
8. Antonyms, opposites of basic words are usually formed by reversing the letters from beginning to end or by ej-prefix.
9. Take a distinctive feature of the concepts and use it in deriving.
10. If the derivative word is described exhaustively in basic stem words, the words will become too long.
11. Avoid taking words directly from other languages, always try to derive new words from basic concepts.
12. If a word is phonetically very descriptive and sits in Vosa well and it would be difficult to derive from basic concepts, then it can be taken from other languages.
13. It is possible to use scientific terms, eg biota, medicine, which are quite rare in general language.
14. New base syllables need to be added to make the language richer and finer.
15. Vosa must be made a language that expresses accurately and unambiguously.
16. When translating Vosa into other languages, the best equivalents should be found, their meanings clarified and limited to one concept.
Obhääng ob sisato koli hava, soklirva a gnoli daav Vosa muu. Sasi deriivte oo talhevriite a hastvostaate välla deva alidesi:
1. Sasi oo vostli ulva.
2. Sasi piit autervokaa ut tua sasi.
3. Sasi oo sahöli katoova, kava a gnoli sahöö.
4. Sasi oo deriiven tuvisdali ut besvososi.
5. Tihnast sasi oo sina bessasi.
6. Vaoipsi voo kautsaa vy defsi taj novva besvososi.
7. Ej tarkli re obmaarkva remarksasi taj resasi.
8. Ögsasi, ögiplosi ob bessasi kauteeta töönen kirkasi ut nö tu ön taj vy ej-rupa.
9. Aapta ob voso ö autervokaava obervao a it teoota in deriivte.
10. If deriivva sa kasaata luufli vy besvososi, muu ylrili luva sasi.
11. Urpiitta aapte sasi reili ob tua vossi, tutraata kina deriiv ob besvososi.
12. If sa oo sahöli hali katoova a siit tu Vosa hali a ooif ongva deriiv ob besvososi , itli voo taa aap bessi ob tua vossi.
13. Voota teoo däva daersasi edkali öb eösi, terdä, kosi oo in tihnavos rafli hitnova.
14. Piit pirpaata novva bessaiksi, syt vos muu ritspir a väkapir.
15. Vosa piit tee tarkli a isklirsoli kautsaava vos.
16. Na vosmuute Vosa mu tua vossi, piitif kees hast lireobsi, tarkpiir a liim itsiof obmarksi tu is voso.
Sanastosta riippuu kuinka hyvä, selkeä ja helposti opittava Vosasta tulee. Sanojen johtaminen on tasapainoilua ja optimointia seuraavien periaatteiden välillä:
1. Sanat ovat mahdollisimman lyhyitä.
2. Sanojen on erotuttava muista sanoista.
3. Sanat ovat äänteellisesti merkityksiä kuvaavia, kauniita ja helppo ääntää.
4. Sanat ovat loogisesti johdettuja peruskäsitteistä.
5. Yleisimmät sanat ovat usein kantasanoina.
6. Vivahteet voi ilmaista määritteillä tai uusilla peruskäsitteillä.
7. Ei tarkasti samaa tarkoittavia synonyymeja eikä homonyymeja.
8. Antonyymit, vastakohdat kantasanoista muodostetaan käännettynä kirjaimet alusta loppuun tai ej-liitteellä
9. Otetaan käsitteistä jokin erottuva piirre ja sitä käytetään johtamisessa.
10. Jos johdettava sana kuvataan tyhjentävästi peruskäsittein, tulee liian pitkiä sanoja.
11. Vältetään muista kielistä suoraan sanojen ottamista, pyritään aina johtamaan peruskäsitteistä.
12. Jos sana on äänteellisesti hyvin kuvaava ja istuu Vosaan hyvin ja olisi hankalaa johtaa käsitettä peruskäsitteistä, niin voidaan ottaa kantoja muista kielistä.
13. Voidaan käyttää tieteellisiä termejä esim. eliöstöstä, lääketieteestä, mitkä ovat yleiskielessä melko harvinaisia.
14. On lisättävä uusia kantatavuja, että kielestä tulisi rikkaampi ja hienompi.
15. Vosasta tulee tehdä tarkkaan ja yksiselitteisesti ilmaiseva kieli.
16. Käännettäessä Vosaa muihin kieliin, tulisi löytää parhaimmat vastineet, tarkentaa ja rajata niiden merkitykset yhteen käsitteeseen.
Common meanings of the words in the original languages have taken into account in Vosa’s dictionaries! Once the vocabulary has been changed, the changes should be applied to the example sentences already made. The intention is to make the vocabularies as polished as possible first, before the example sentences are modified and new ones are made.
Unused three-character syllables or beginning or end of words in Vosa alphabetically from beginning to end
Käyttämättömät kolmen merkin pituiset tavut tai sanojen alut tai loput
Vosassa sekä alusta että lopusta päin aakkostettuna
Olen poistanut hankalasti äännettävät tavut. Näitä voi käyttää uusia peruskäsittäitä ja juurisanoja otettaessa käyttöön, 1580 kpl. c on soinnillinen s [z]. Käytettyjä tavuja, sanojen kolmikirjaimisia alkuja tai loppuja on käytössä yli 4000.
aa; aab; aaj; aam; ab; ac; act; aed; aem; aep; aes; aet; aev; afi; ag; agö; ah; ai; aib; aic; aid; aif; aig; aij; ail; aim; ain; aip; air; aiv; ak; alc; ao; aof; Aom; aop; aor; aos; ard; ark; arp; ast; at; au; aub; auc; aud; auf; aug; auh; auj; auk; aul; aum; aun; auv; av; ba; bac; bad; bag; bah; bai; bao; bap; be; beb; bec; bed; beg; beh; bem; bev; bi; bia; bib; bic; bid; bie; big; bih; bik; bil; bim; bip; bir; biv; ble; blo; blä; blö; boc; bof; boj; bre; bro; bru; brö; bu; bua; bub; buc; bug; buh; buj; buk; bum; bun; buo; bup; but; bä; bäc; bäd; bäf; bäh; bäm; bän; bäp; bäs; bät; böb; böc; böd; bög; bök; böl; böm; böp; bör; bös; böt; ca; cab; cac; cad; caf; cag; cah; cai; caj; cak; cal; cam; can; cao; cap; car; cas; cat; cau; cav; ce; ceb; ceg; ceh; cek; cem; ci; cia; cib; cic; cid; cie; cif; cig; cih; cik; cil; cim; cin; cio; cip; cir; cis; cit; civ; cla; cli; clo; clö; cmö; cnö; co; cob; coc; cod; cof; cog; coh; coi; cok; col; con; cop; cor; cos; cot; cou; cro; cru; crä; ctä; ctö; cuc; cud; cuf; cug; cui; cuj; cum; cun; cvi; cä; cäb; cäc; cäd; cäf; cäg; cäh; cäj; cäk; cäl; cäm; cän; cäp; cär; cäs; cät; cäv; cö; cöb; cöc; cöd; cöf; cög; cöh; cöj; cök; cöl; cöm; cön; cöp; cör; cös; cöt; cöv; dac; dag; dai; dam; dan; deb; dec; dej; dem; di; dib; dic; dig; dij; diu; dlu; do; doc; dod; dof; dog; doh; doi; don; dor; dou; dre; dri; dro; dru; drö; dua; dum; duo; dyl; däb; däc; däf; däg; däh; däm; dän; däp; där; dät; dö; döb; döc; död; döf; dög; döh; dök; döl; döm; dön; döp; dör; dös; döt; döv; e; eaf; eah; eak; eal; eap; eb; ec; eeb; eed; eep; ees; ef; efi; efä; eha; ei; eib; eic; eif; eig; eij; eik; eim; ein; eio; eip; eir; eis; eit; eiv; ek; elb; elf; elg; elk; elv; ena; eob; erb; erf; es; esa; esi; esy; euj; euk; eul; eus; eut; ey; eys; eäp; eör; fac; fad; fag; fak; fam; fau; fav; fe; fec; feg; feh; fej; fek; fel; fem; fen; fid; fif; fih; fle; flo; flä; flö; fo; fob; foc; fog; foh; fop; fru; frä; frö; fu; fua; fuc; fud; fug; fuh; fuk; fuo; fup; fur; fus; fut; fuv; fä; fäb; fäc; fäd; fäg; fäh; fäl; fäp; fär; fäs; fö; föc; föd; föh; föl; föm; fön; föp; fös; föt; ga; gac; gad; gaf; gah; gai; gak; gam; gap; gar; gas; gav; geb; gec; ged; geh; gek; gel; gem; get; gev; gi; gia; gib; gic; gid; gie; gif; gig; gih; gij; gik; gil; gim; gin; gio; gip; gir; gis; git; giv; gle; glo; glö; gnö; go; gob; goc; god; gof; gog; goh; goi; gok; gop; gos; got; gro; gru; grä; grö; gu; gua; gub; guc; guf; guh; guj; guk; gum; guo; gup; gur; gä; gäc; gäd; gäf; gäg; gäh; gäk; gäl; gän; gäp; gär; gäs; gät; gäv; göc; göd; gök; göl; göm; gön; göp; ha; hab; hag; hec; hef; heg; hek; hen; hes; het; hi; hib; hic; hif; hig; hij; hil; him; hiv; hob; hoc; hod; hof; hog; hoi; hop; hua; hub; huc; huf; hug; hui; huj; hus; hy; hyi; hyk; hyr; häb; häc; häd; häf; häg; häi; häl; här; häv; höc; höf; höm; i; ia; iab; iac; iad; iaf; iag; iah; iaj; iak; ial; iam; ian; iao; iap; ias; iat; iav; ib; ibs; ic; ick; ict; icu; id; ida; idu; ie; ieb; iec; ief; ieg; iej; iek; iem; ien; iep; ies; iet; iev; ig; iga; ih; iha; ihö; ii; iib; iid; iin; iip; iis; ij; ije; ijo; ilc; imo; imä; inö; iob; ioc; iod; iof; iog; ioj; iok; iol; iop; ior; ios; iot; ip; ipö; itu; itä; itö; iu; iuc; iud; iug; iuh; iuk; iul; ium; iun; iup; iur; ius; iut; ivc; ivö; iy; iyh; iyk; iym; iyp; iyr; iys; iyt; iäh; iäj; iäk; iäl; iäm; iän; iäp; iär; iäs; iät; iäv; iög; iöj; iöl; iöm; iös; iöt; iöv; jaa; jac; jah; jai; jak; jal; jam; jan; jar; jau; jed; jei; jek; jep; jer; jet; ji; jia; jid; jie; jig; jih; jil; jim; jin; jio; jip; jir; jit; jiu; jiv; jo; job; jom; jon; jou; ju; jua; jub; juc; jud; jue; juk; jum; jun; jup; juv; jy; jys; jä; jäc; jäd; jäf; jäi; jäk; jäl; jäp; jäv; jö; jöc; jöi; jöl; jöm; jön; jöp; jör; jös; jöt; jöv; ka; kab; kac; kag; kao; kci; ke; keb; kec; ked; kef; keg; keh; kej; kep; keu; kev; kib; kic; kje; klu; kly; klö; kne; knä; knö; kob; koc; kog; kop; kru; kry; krö; ksa; kso; ksu; ksö; ku; kub; kuc; kud; kuf; kug; kui; kuj; ky; kyh; kyi; kyl; kym; kyn; kyt; kyy; kyö; käc; käg; käi; käj; käy; kö; köb; köc; köd; köf; kög; kök; köm; kön; köp; kör; köt; lac; lag; lah; lai; laj; led; lef; leh; lic; liy; liä; loc; loe; loi; loj; lrö; lu; lud; luh; luj; ly; lyö; lä; läb; läc; läd; läf; läg; läh; läi; läj; läl; läm; län; lär; läs; löb; löc; löd; löf; lög; löh; löi; löj; löl; löm; lön; löp; lör; löv; löy; löö; mab; mac; maf; mag; meb; mec; med; meg; mib; mif; mig; mij; mim; miä; miö; mlo; mod; moj; mre; mri; mro; mrä; mrö; mua; mub; muc; mud; mug; mui; muj; mum; mus; muv; my; myi; myk; myl; myr; mys; myy; myä; mäc; mäd; mäf; mäh; mäy; mö; möb; möc; möd; möf; mög; möh; möi; möj; mök; möl; möm; mön; möp; mör; mös; möt; möv; möy; möö; naa; nac; nad; nag; nah; nai; naj; nak; nal; nam; nan; nao; nas; nau; nav; neb; nic; nij; noc; nog; non; nu; nub; nuc; nud; nuf; nuh; nui; nur; ny; nyk; nyl; nyn; nyp; nyr; nys; nyt; nyy; nyä; nyö; nä; näb; näc; näd; näf; näg; näh; näi; näk; näl; näm; nän; näs; näv; näy; nää; nöc; nöf; nög; nöj; nöm; nöp; oa; oab; oac; oaf; oah; oai; oaj; oam; oan; oc; oCa; oct; od; ode; oem; oen; ofa; og; oga; ogö; oHe; ohs; ohö; oib; oic; oid; oig; oij; oin; oit; oj; olc; ope; oPu; ori; osp; osu; osy; oub; oud; ouf; oug; oun; ous; pab; pac; paj; pec; pi; pij; piu; pli; plo; plä; plö; pmy; poi; pra; pre; prä; prö; psa; puc; pud; pug; puj; py; pyi; pyk; pyn; päc; päf; päg; pöb; pöd; pöm; pön; pöy; rac; raj; ral; ram; ran; ref; reh; rej; ric; rij; rim; rir; riu; ruc; rug; ruk; ruo; ry; ryh; ryi; ryk; ryl; rys; ryö; räc; räd; räf; räg; räh; räi; räl; räm; rän; räp; räs; räv; räy; rö; röb; röc; röd; röf; rög; röj; rök; röl; röm; rön; röp; rör; rös; röt; röv; röy; sac; sag; san; sbi; sdö; se; sed; seh; sej; sek; sep; set; seu; sgä; sho; shu; sje; sjö; ske; sku; skä; sle; sli; slu; slä; slö; sma; smi; smu; smä; smö; sna; snu; snö; soh; spe; spi; spo; spä; spö; sra; sre; sri; sru; sry; srä; srö; ste; stu; stä; stö; sub; suc; sue; suf; suv; syj; syn; syv; syä; syö; sä; säb; säc; säd; säf; säg; säi; säj; säk; säm; sän; säp; säs; sät; säv; säy; söb; söc; söd; söf; sög; söh; söi; söj; söl; söm; sön; söp; sör; söv; söy; ta; tab; tac; tad; taf; tas; tca; tci; tco; tcu; tcö; tec; teg; tic; tid; tie; tij; tio; tiy; tiä; tiö; tni; tnö; toc; tog; toh; toi; tou; try; trö; tsä; tsö; tuc; ty; tyh; tyi; tyj; tyk; tyn; tyä; työ; täb; täc; täd; täg; täk; täm; täy; töb; töc; tög; töh; töm; töy; u; ua; uac; uad; uaf; uag; uah; uaj; ual; uam; uan; uap; uas; ub; uct; ued; uek; uel; uem; uen; uep; uer; ues; uet; uev; uf; ug; uha; uhs; ui; uih; uij; uim; uin; uip; uir; uis; uit; uiv; uj; uje; ujo; uk; uka; uks; ul; ulb; uld; ule; ulg; uli; ulk; umo; ums; umä; un; uni; uno; uob; uoc; uod; uog; uoj; uok; uon; uot; upa; urc; urd; urg; uuf; uuj; uva; uve; uvö; uäm; va; vab; vac; vaf; vag; vau; vav; veb; vec; vih; viu; vla; vle; vod; vrä; vrö; vuc; vud; vuf; vuh; vuj; vuk; vum; vun; vus; vyl; vyö; väc; väd; väg; väi; vän; vär; väs; väy; vöc; vög; vöi; völ; vöm; vön; vöp; vöt; vöy; y; ye; yel; yh; yha; yi; yil; yin; yis; yit; yj; yk; yl; ym; ymi; ymp; yn; yna; yp; yr; yra; yri; yrk; yrs; yrt; ysi; yt; yva; yyh; yyj; yyk; yym; yyn; yyr; yäk; yäm; yän; yär; yäs; yät; yäv; yöc; yöh; yöl; yöm; yöp; yör; yös; yöt; yöv; ä; äb; äc; äem; äf; äfö; äg; ägs; äik; äil; äim; äin; äis; äit; äiv; äj; äks; äl; älb; äle; älf; älg; äli; älk; älo; älp; äls; älv; äme; än; äne; änk; äns; äps; ärc; ärd; ärf; ärg; ärk; ärm; ärp; ärs; ärt; äs; äsi; äst; ätc; äto; äyl; äym; äyn; äys; äyt; ää; ääd; ääg; ääh; ääj; ääl; ääm; ään; ääp; äär; äät; ääv; äöf; öc; öct; öd; öds; öeh; öev; öf; öil; öim; öit; öiv; öj; öjs; ök; öks; ölb; ölc; ölg; öls; öly; öm; ömc; öms; öna; önc; öng; önk; önt; ör; örb; örd; örf; örg; örk; örl; örm; örp; örs; ört; örv; ösa; ösk; öst; ösy; ötc; öts; öyh; öyk; öyl; öyn; öyp; öyr; öys; öyt; öäm; ööb; öök; ööm; öör;
Some of old comments in English only
Hello World! Learning Vosa's basic concepts, key words, speeds up the learning and memorization of other word derivatives.With this approximately 15,000 vocabulary, up to 100,000 additional words can be easily derived. So there is no need to put them in these concise vocabularies.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 9/3/21 18:11
The exact correspondence between words in different languages is sometimes quite difficult to find and there are errors. When the same word has different meanings in several languages, example sentences would be needed to describe the meanings, but it would inflate the study dictionaries into large ones.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 9/3/21 18:17
If you find bad mistakes, then I hope you comment on it. In this way, together we can develop a good language for all communication and, even for artificial intelligence, for the coding of precise knowledge.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 9/3/21 18:20
The idea would be that the words would be as unambiguous as possible, then it would be easier to machine translation and there would be fewer misinterpretations in human communication.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 9/3/21 18:23
You can suggest new roots and derivatives and suggestions for improvements to existing ones.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 10/3/21 20:44
My intention is to gradually add material to the site. You can learn Vosa's words and even Finnish or English vocabularies while waiting for additional materials.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 10/3/21 21:01
Topics in the eco-intelligence and healthy region can also be discussed here. We can also discuss in Vosa.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 10/3/21 21:12
Aj aut piit a davaap Vosa itof sasi, syt aj voo sasaa mu Vosa.
Aj nöö nuuk. Hava nat!
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 10/3/21 21:53
Aj uuten pirnen kiir. Aj aapen eenva kir utur visavö siklikvo, syt oo gnopir kiir mu Vosa.
Tulin vielä kirjoittamaan.
Otin ennakoivan syötön pois että on helpompi kirjoittaa Vosaksi.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 10/3/21 21:55
I still came to write. I took the predictive input off to make it easier to write in Vosa.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 09:29
Aj pirtupaane novva kirsi öb ersi obsosi mu Vosa. Ajsi vooif visasaa mu Vosa täin öbmisasi. Jasi aaf sisatosi tu tua kauvsi, kotu oo nopva tuu for seek sasi mu eng, fin a vosa. Öbhamiva davap a vikadaate ob Vosa! Hei!
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 21:29
This Vosa language is perhaps better suited to artificial intelligence than to be spoken into the human mouth because of its logic and rather unambiguous words. If Vosa's syllables were replaced with more diphthongs, it could become a better spoken language.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 21:35
I think when Vosa’s words become familiar, they will sit better in your mouth and brain for comprehension.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 21:38
As we learn to think and understand Vosa’s logical word formation, its use, speaking, and comprehension begins to flow.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 21:57
There are two approaches to constructing artificial language: 1. Form beautiful, easy-to-pronounce and memorable wordings and think about what they are put to mean.
2. The concepts are systematically coded with some logic from the basic concepts, but then the pronunciation of the words happens to be either bad, good or in between.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 22:18
Words are used to memorizing words according to their form, without thinking more deeply about their conceptual meaning, what sub-concepts they contain, they don't have time to bother to think about. But when using Vosa, one should practice quickly thinking about what parts the word is formed of, its conceptual coding. Then Vosa’s learning and memorization would be faster, albeit slower at first, before practicing the leadership logic of Vosa’s words.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 22:27
All Vosa's words are not derived optimally logical, there is place for development. All ideas which helps quick learning of Vosa are welcome.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 23:23
Problems with English: 1. Words are pronounced differently than written. 2. The distinctiveness of words, especially in quick speech and pronunciation, is poor, and many words are already vaguely pronounced when pronounced. 3. The same words have many different meanings in different contexts and have many synonyms to learn. 4. There are also irregular forms of pagination, although not as much as in other languages such as Finnish. Attempts have been made to solve these problems exhaustively in Vosa. Research should be done on what language should be as clear as possible for speech recognition and unambiguous for machine translation.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 23:26
I Correct inflection not pagination
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 23:31
We need language for exact, standard and short coding of knowledge for AI.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 11/3/21 23:33
Let's develop Vosa good for every aspects of use language!
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 12/3/21 05:08
Before translating texts into Vosa, let's go through the vocabulary of Vosa as a poem with the idea of whether the derivatives are the best possible, very memorable, well-describing the concept / concrete thing, and suggesting more imaginative alternatives to the derivatives, for memorizing the words. faster. You can compile suggestions for changes and post them in the comments, so we can process them together and change to more logically derived, better pronounced, more relevant derivatives, stem words and vocabularies, better descriptive, better pronounced phonetics, etc. LET'S WORK TOGETHER FOR BETTER LANGUAGE TO US ALL PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD!
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 12/3/21 13:43
Of course, you can try writing and speaking Vosa, as it can help you figure out how to complete and edit Vosa's vocabulary, even if the language is incomplete. On the other hand, all the languages in the world are taking shape, they are getting new words all the time.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 13/3/21 06:28
I have added page: Additions, changes, suggestions to vocabulary and grammar. Let's comment there about those topics!
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 15/3/21 11:10
I think I have developed a Vosa already very far in 30 years. You just should have time to get to know it in depth, then you would notice its ingenuity. There is some grinding. The vocabulary is easy to expand because an extensive vocabulary of common language and even rarer words has already been made, from the words of which a supplementary vocabulary can be derived. Commonly known scientific names can be included, as in Esperanto, and abbreviated and adapted to Vosa's word classes and groupings, unless they can be derived in a very logical and comprehensible way.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 16/3/21 21:01
It is very laborious to make a good new, easy language. There are also not many shortcuts to learning a language, it is tedious no matter how easy the language is. Now that computers and artificial intelligence are helping, could the language I was starting to develop and, in collaboration, a large number of enthusiasts take it forward quickly. For one person, it’s too big a job, it’s taken and takes a lot of time. And if you are not otherwise interested in doing this, hardly anyone bothers to develop a new language because of its hard work. After that, even if the language is somehow quite ready, its introduction from one person is overwhelming. But in today's Internet age for a large number of enthusiasts it would be possible. When Vosa is just used, it is learned and as more and more people learn it, they produce a lot of material in Vosa and it expands. The current languages are all unnecessarily difficult. The advantage of them is that they have a lot of expressive power that has evolved over the centuries and have been tested in use, but they can only be used properly by those who use them as their mother tongue. Could artificial intelligence continue to develop this easy language so that it can be introduced as a fast-learning expressive international language?
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 16/3/21 22:06
I am going to start producing texts in Vosa in Ekovisterlo. I think it's nice to translate the language in Vosa. I can test and expand it. At the same time, I practice it as a master and it is nice to start talking about it fluently. Happy spring, think more than Covid-19.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 17/3/21 07:05
Vosa is already very good as a language. It will be ruined if it is changed drastically. Minor repairs and changes need to be made and it can be expanded a lot. LET'S START USING VOSA!
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 17/3/21 07:43
When we get enough example sentences and vocabulary expanded, then Vosa machine translation could be taught to artificial intelligence. The more Big data you get, the better the quality of machine translation between different languages.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 17/3/21 14:40
Creating a new language is an optimization between different features and emphases. If we pay attention only to beauty, which is a relative concept to different people, the logical derivation of words from basic concepts and their syllables could not always be made. If we think about the power of expression, there would be more syllables describing words and nuances, in which case easy and fast language learning would suffer.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 17/3/21 14:58
Everybody of us is a kind of expert or can become even a splendid one. Everybody may have an idea or more for a good language or its vocabulary. Let's write it for our common good!
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 18/3/21 22:05
Today I have made a translation database for Vosa. I compile the English words there, what is received in the translations in different formats, I translate them into a database. After that, I get a raw translation of the text by linking, which I just check and format. At the same time, Vosa’s vocabulary is gradually expanding and honing up to 100,000 words, which I don’t put online, though. I'm going to make pages with Vosa = English phrases. The Boost Resistance page is coming up. As the database expands, I get translated sentences into Vosa format faster. Later, if I have time and a lot of data to accumulate, I can learn to do an artificial intelligence compiler in Vosa with Python.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 21/3/21 20:12
When everyday life comes, Vosa's vocabulary should be enriched with the most varied wordings, and deriving from basic concepts should make it seem as sensible as possible for the words to be better remembered. Come up with good words that would remember as well as possible and describe concept, object.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 21/3/21 20:55
The fact that there are many similar words and syllables does not help in memorizing and distinguishing words in speech and writing, but the words must be as diverse as possible. Although there are far fewer syllables to learn in Chinese than in English, learning is hampered by their similarity and poor distinction, when the same wordings have so many different meanings, much more so, for example, in English and Finnish, which have more different syllables. Vosa can be good if it is enriched with richer and more descriptive wordings, however, keeping the grammar simple and the words derived very logically and they must describe the object well phonetically and have common letter combinations with words in the same conceptual area. So if the concepts have some associations with each other, they must also have the same letter combinations to describe it.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 22/3/21 17:18
Isn't it time to get into real voice writing and also the characters y, ä and ö for their characters?
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 22/3/21 18:15
As Vosa's vocabulary expands, new root words and syllables will be added. If there was time to think, words should be derived from the lowest main concepts of individual letters, into two-letter sub-concepts, and then into 3-5-letter root words, from which then all other words would be derived. I have done so partially, but then I began take root words from Finnish and English, because thinking every word conceptually takes time and words would come very long if all sub-concepts were included in new words.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 22/3/21 18:42
If lines were drawn between words with conceptual commonness, nodes would be formed in which, by placing the letters, the words could be formed from the letters of the connecting nodes. The letters should just be arranged into easy-to-pronounce words. There should be a suitable program with graphical features to do this and a lot of time to think between word concepts to see if they have anything in common, which should not be too general.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 22/3/21 19:02
All nations and states want to hold fast to their cumbersome writing systems and languages without radically changing them. That may be the case, but let us work together to create a whole new language with all its handy features in the advanced modern world of eco-biotechnology and artificial intelligence.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 22/3/21 19:31
The time wasted in studying awkward languages would be saved to something more useful by having an easy and quick to learn universal language that different language groups as equal competitors would study in addition to their mother tongue.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 23/3/21 06:48
Ä and ö are not a problem, as the keyboard of the smartphone and the computer can be easily changed to include ä and ö. In many languages of the world, ä and ö are sounds. Without the ä and ö characters, the writing system becomes cumbersome and confusing if they have to be represented in some other letter combination. There is a double learning of words, if you have to learn, both pronunciation and writing.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 23/3/21 06:51
Vosa is pronounced as it is written according one letter per one sound and one sound per one letter.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 23/3/21 06:54
When Vosa is pronounced in French on the nose, with Russian dilutions and Chinese according to 4-5 intonation, etc., it gives Vosa expression and beauty. Syllables and words can be emphasized when something is emphasized. Otherwise, when writing Vosa, uppercase means Vosa, when small, it means language in general. Or should a different word for language be invented so that there is no ambiguity that Vosa seeks to get rid of?
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 23/3/21 06:59
Internationally, there are also the voices of ä and ö, and other voices with different nuances, which are not present in Vosa. Admittedly, Vosa makes it possible to pronounce letters with nuances in different languages, as far as it can be understood. as a letter. For example, it can be pronounced r in English or American.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 23/3/21 07:23
We have discussed Vosa in other groups, no one has dared to write here. When there is a weighty issue and good suggestions or questions, write!
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 23/3/21 08:14
Next topic of artificial intelligence is coming in Vosa. Also, I am going to revise older writings and Vosa grammar. But they take lot of time from me, I have also many other things to do.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 23/3/21 09:03
Video tutorials are also to be taken from Vosa when there is time and enthusiasts will join.
Basic Vosa is still being refined. I haven’t gotten and still don’t get a cent spinning from this work and hobby. I do this for the joy of doing and for charity with a small pension. During the long-term unemployment, I studied many different professions and between developed also this Vosa.
Veikko J. Pyhtilä 23/3/21 09:55
If it would be invented wisest and most understandable words to come up with one of the basic concepts and / or roots of a word, it would take 6 minutes on average, then deriving 100,000 words would take 600,000 minutes from one person. That’s 10,000 hours, there are 2,000 5-hour days, or about 10 years. If 100,000 people each formed a single word that would be acceptable to Vosa in a sound and logical way, it would take 6 minutes. There should be a voting website with the most supported words attached to Vosa. Otherwise, it would take decades for the standardization committee to approve all the proposals. Now I'm going out for a walk.
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