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Vosa tevos - Vosa artificial language |
The name Vosa comes from basic concepts: vo is ability, strength, and sa is a basic concept expressing communication. Tevos means artificial language.
Developer: Veikko J. Pyhtilä, Finland, 1990-2024 as a hobby and volunteer work, development and refinement continues.
• A fairly easy and already highly developed ingenious artificial language.
• For international communication, information systems, artificial intelligence. Words are like conceptual codes between different languages. Using Vosa, it is good to make vocabularies of other languages as well, when words are grouped according to synonyms, prefixes, suffixes, frequency, alphabetically and length of words etc., which helps in learning words, for example in list form.
• Easy to learn vocabulary because words are derived from basic concepts and common root words and opposites are formed by reverse word order or ej- and -ej suffixes. Adjectives end in -va, verbs have two same vowels in the last syllable. Nouns are derived with suffixes indicating group. The adverb "how" is expressed with the ending -li, etc.
• The words are unambiguous, not many close synonyms and no homonyms, the nuances can be expressed with more precise adjectives or additional prefixes or suffixes.
• Words are written in the same way as they are pronounced, phonetically the aim is to be expressive. Ä and ö color the language, the language doesn't feel faded, and with them, writing sounds is simplified compared to e.g. English. Nowadays, it is easy for smart devices to change character sets and use special characters, so ä and ö are no longer a problem in international language use.
• Simple grammar and sentence structures, which can be learned quite quickly. There are only a few inflections for words and they are also regular, e.g. the plural sign -si and the tenses of verbs. See more: Vosa's Grammar.
• Vosa's texts will be shorter, on average about 11% of English words and 17% of Finnish words, calculated according to the average length of the words in the vocabulary. Of course, the length of the sentences varies depending on the topic.
Basic idea: When you know about 1,000 basic concepts and root words, up to 100,000 other words can be derived from them!
See: About 60,000 lines from basic concepts and root words to compound words, in order of word length
An artificial language, it is not related to any natural or artificial language. However, it has been influenced mainly by the Finnish and English languages, from which root words have been taken by shortening and modifying them, as well as models for sentence structures. The developer of Vosa, Veikko J. Pyhtilä, has himself coined many root words and derivations.
History and development
The initial idea came to the developer, Veikko J. Pyhtilä, already in the 1990s and he has slowly developed it, but only since 2021 has he forcefully moved forward and published Vosa more widely on the internet. Development and refinement continue.
Regional positioning
Mainly Finland and expanding to the whole world.
Official position
Not an official position. Vosa has only been on the internet for a short time and not very visibly. There are hardly any enthusiasts involved.
Speaker count estimates
• Not known. At least 1-10 people can speak Vosa and understand written Vosa to some extent. Since Vosa is such a new language, it has not yet become well known.
• Perhaps an estimated 1,000 people have gotten to know Vosa (based on the number of visitors to Vosa's website, which has already been more than 32,000 by 5 November 2024).
Sounds and writing system
The pronunciation is like in Finnish, see the sound structure of the Finnish language, but š = sh and c = voiced s [z]. In Vosa and Finnish, a long vowel is marked with two vowels. In Vosa, the letters q, w, x, z, å are not used except in names. In the names of other languages, they can be transliterated as follows: q=kv, w=vu, x=ks, z=ts, å=o, or left as is.
Letter |
Vosa pronunciation |
Aa |
[ɑ] |
Bb |
b |
Cc |
[z] voiced s |
Dd |
d |
Ee |
[e] |
Ff |
f |
Gg |
g |
Hh |
h |
Ii |
[i] |
Jj |
[j] |
Kk |
k |
Ll |
l |
Mm |
m |
Nn |
n ( [ŋ] ng, nk) |
Oo |
[o] |
Pp |
p |
kv, only in names |
Rr |
r |
Ss |
s |
sh |
[ʃ] |
Tt |
t |
Uu |
[u] |
Vv |
v |
Wv |
vu, only in names |
Xx |
ks |
Yy |
[y] |
Zz |
ts, only in names |
Åå |
oo, only in names |
Ää |
[æ] |
Öö |
[ə] |
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
How-adverb |
te |
tee |
teeva |
teeli |
Antonym |
et |
eet |
eetva |
eetli |
In English |
deed |
do |
doing |
(by) doing |
rest |
rest |
resting |
(by) resting |
havao |
hapiir |
hava |
hali |
Antonym |
ahvao |
ahpiir |
ahva |
ahli |
In English |
goodness |
better |
good |
well |
badness |
worsen |
bad |
badly |
vovao |
voo |
vova |
voli |
Antonym |
ejvovao |
ej voo |
ejvova |
ejvoli |
In English |
possibility |
can |
possible |
possibly |
impossibility |
can not |
impossible |
impossibly |
Comparative: forms of adjectives: hava, hapir, hast; ahva ahpir, ahst = good, better, best; bad, worse, worst.
Plural ID -si: Tol, tolsi = house, houses.
Collective si-: kam, sikam = stone, rock land where are may stones; da, sida = data, file.
The "plural" and "singular" of the verb: yppyy, siyppyy, isyppyy = jump, jump many times, jump once a little.
There are no personal forms of the verb: Aj oo, ja oo, hä oo, ajsi oo, jasi oo, häsi oo = I am, you are, he/she is, we are, you are, they are.
Verb tenses: Aj riik, aj riiken, aj oo riiken, aj ooen riiken = I read, I read, I have read, I had read. Aj tee, aj tee-en, aj oo tee-en, aj ooen tee-en = I do, I did, I have done, I had done.
The future of the verb: Aj kiirne vy kirvo kirto. = I will write a book with a pen. In Vosa, you don't usually need to use the future as often as in English.
Right now is doing, is happening: Hä oo nuuknen in nukos. Piva tol oo toolnen. = He is sleeping in bed. The big house is under construction. The English continuous doing usually doesn't need to be used in vosa. Aj nuuk (taj aj nuuknen taj aj oo nuuknen) = I sleep, (or I am sleeping).
Passive: teeta, tee-enta = will be done, was done.
Participles: riikva = reading; oo riiken = has read; oota riiken taj oo riikenta. = has been read. Hä oota kavodaaen hojo. = He/she is a well-known person. Hä oo kavodaaen aj. = She/he has known me. Hä oof kavodaaen hojo in tösi. = He/She has a well-known person at work.
Imperative: Tuu ja, tuu hä, tuu ajsi, tuu jasi, tuu häsi! = Go, let him/her go, let's go, go, let them go. The imperative form must always include a personal pronoun.
Conditional: Aj tuuif, aj ooif tuuen. = I would come, I would have come.
Potential: Aj meej altoo tralö. = I might start a company.
Formation of transitive and intransitive verbs: The verb can already be either in its basic form, in which case the transitive verb becomes intransitive with the prefix aut and the intransitive verb becomes transitive with the prefixes te or pa. kautee lusasi = form sentences; vomhom autkautee = steam is formed; eem = eat; paeem = feed. It nöö. = It starts. Hä tenöö tö. = He/she starts work. In English, intransitive and transitive verbs do not always have their own forms, but with an object, you know if it is a transitive verb.
Prohibition clause: Aj ej daa it taj It aj ej daa. = I don't know that or It I don't know. Ejko ja daa? = Don't you know? Ej ,Je = No, Yes.
Object, object of going and giving: Aj faa tä tu ja. = I give this to you. Aj aap tä ut ja. = I'll take this from you. The object should be after the predicate so that it does not get confused with the subject. The object to be given or received and the object to go or come to can be with a preposition after or before the predicate.
Word order in a normal sentence: Adverbial + attribute + subject + predicate + attribute + object + adverbial. In prohibition, command and question sentences, the predicate usually comes before the subject. Things and objects can be emphasized by putting the word at the beginning of the sentence. Tuuko aj itle? = Shall I go there? Ajko tuu itle? = Am I going there? Itleko aj tuu? = Is that where I'm going? Also by stressing a word, it can be emphasized regardless of where it is in the sentence. The stress of a word is usually on the first syllable. In free form, you can emphasize and pronounce different syllables and words more strongly if you want to give a special expressiveness to the sentence. Of course, facial expressions, gestures, voice pitch, speed of speech can also be included.
Question sentence: Ooko it kava? = Is it beautiful? Tuuenko hä fäflo? = Did he go to the shop?
Question words: Ko? = What? Kojo? = Who? Kova? = What kind? Koli? = How? Kovy? = By what? Kovi? = With what? Kona? = When? Kono? = What time is it? Kori? = How much? Siko? = How many? Koli piva? = How big? Kolo? = What place? Koin? = Where? Tut kojo? = At whose place? Kotu? = Where? Kout? = From where? Kosy? = Why? Kofor? = For what? Itko? = That? Häko? = He/She? Täko? = This one? Ätko? = That? Ko ja tee? = What are you doing? Teeko ja? = Do you? Jako tee? = You do? koo = ask, ook = answer; koote = question, ookte = answer
Pronouns: tä, ät, it, täsi, ätsi, itsi = this, that, it, these, those,they. ko= what, which; kojo=who.
Genitive: Ajof grinva tuvö.= My green car. Redva tol of Matti a Maija. = The red house of Matti and Maija. Vosa sisato = Vosa’s vocabulary, you don't always have to use the genitive, the genitive form is then like a conjunction in a compound word or an attribute.
The most common prepositions: in = in; ni = outdoors; la, le, el, al = on, onto, off, under. ob = (consist of, made of) something; öb = (to tell) about something. tu = to, somewhere; ut = from. Aj tuu (tu) bal. = I go home. mu = -, muu (mu) unva = become old. You don't need to use prepositions if the form of the verb already expresses it. en, ne = before, after (of time); nen = now; ed, de = before, (of place); vy = by; vi = with; for = for; gö = pro, for; ög = against; na = during, when;
Words are formed in consecutive series, prefixes: ba-, ce-, di-, fo-, gu-, hy-, jä-, kö-. batan, cetan, ditan, fotan, gutan, hytan, jätan = Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Numerals: bas, ces, dis, fos, gus, hys, jäs, kös = ten, hundred, thousand, million, billion, thousand billion, million billion, billion billion. Hundredth, percent = cesik; puoli = duik. Is, du, tre, kva, fiv, sik, sev, aht, nin, bas, basis, basdu, dubas, trebas, isva, duva, treva = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 20, 30, first, second, third.
Quantity is expressed with the suffix -ri. nopva, nopri = quick, speed; glaves, glavesri = a glass, a glass of.
A verb becomes a noun by removing the vowel doubling or adding the endings -so, -o or -te.
An adjective becomes a noun by adding the suffix -o. piva, pivao = large, greatness; kava, kavao = beautiful, beauty.
Word groups and suffixes/prefixes of word derivation: oo, o=be, creature; ö=something; no=time; lo=place; lö=facility; vo= instrument; vö=machine; po=power; pö=power, authority; sta =state; uu, uo=move, motion; jo=person,doer; jö=other than personal factor; ro=value; so=thing, matter; os=object; to=product; tö=work; te=deed; vao=quality, re=same; er=different; fi=feeling, sensation; ho=spirit; ham=gas; hom=air; mo=substance; vom=fluid; vam=water; em=food; vem=drink; ee, eo=live, life; ev, ve = organ, member; pu , up = tree, grass; pup=bush; ep, pe = plant, animal; fis, sif = fish, bird; peg=insect; vir=virus; bakt=bacterium; sa=word alone, but when attached it means words of communication: lusa=sentence, kausa=poem; tukasa=address; ru, ur = stuck attached, off; ry, yr = on, off; vy, vyo, yv = with help, help, obstacle. There is more in a Vosa's vocabulary.
“How” is expressed with the ending -li: nopva, nopli = fast, quickly; ponva, ponli = slow, slowly.
See more: Vosa Grammar
Vocabularies can be expanded (professional vocabularies, scientific, fiction, etc.). How good, clear and easy to learn Vosa becomes depends on the vocabulary. Deriving words is balancing and optimization between these principles:
1. Words are as short as possible.
2. The words must be different enough from the other words.
3. Words are phonologically descriptive, beautiful and easy to pronounce.
4. Words are logically derived from basic concepts.
5. The most common words are often the stem words.
6. Nuances can be expressed by attributes or new basic concepts.
7. Must not be exact synonyms or homonyms.
8. Antonyms, opposites of basic words are usually formed by reversing the letters from beginning to end or by ej-prefix.
9. Take a distinctive feature of the concepts and use it in deriving.
10. If the derivative word is described exhaustively in basic stem words, the words will become too long.
11. Avoid taking words directly from other languages, always try to derive new words from basic concepts.
12. If a word is phonetically very descriptive and sits in Vosa well and it would be difficult to derive from basic concepts, then it can be taken from other languages.
13. It is possible to use scientific terms, eg biota, medicine, which are quite rare in general language.
14. New base syllables need to be added to make the language richer and finer.
15. Vosa must be made a language that expresses accurately and unambiguously.
16. When translating Vosa into other languages, the best equivalents should be found, their meanings clarified and limited to one concept.
Examples of texts and speech
From these glossaries, you can see how Vosa is built from root words, prefixes and suffixes with combinations and word class transformations:
• According to the length of Vosa's words
• Vosa as a poem, you can easily make poems with ending chords
• Vosa's words in alphabetical order
• According to Vosa's frequency, which is combined from the frequencies of Finnish and English words according to the lowest, which have become Vosa's translation equivalents.
See more, several vocabularies in different orders in many different languages, about 15,000-60,000 word lines, although some are unchecked and uncorrected after machine translatings: https://ekovisterlo.blogspot.com/
Language samples
Ter! = ’Hi!’
Terut tu Finlo! = ’ Welcome to Finland!’
Vokaata! = ’ Goodbye!’
Haforsa. = ’Thank.’
Oo ja hava. Ej haforsaate. = ’ Please.’ ‘No thanks.’
Oo ja hava a.. = ’ Will you please...’
Aj raa ja. = ’ I love you.’
Raako ja aj? = ’ Do you love me?’
Ko oo jaof ersa? = ’ What is your name?’
Ajof ersa oo... = 'My name is...'
Koin ja eloo? = 'Where do you live?'
Aj eloo in... = 'I live in ...'
Kout ja uut? Kout ja oo? ='Where do you come from? Where are you from?'
Aj uut Finlo. = 'I come from Finland.'
Aj ej sasaa vosa hali, = 'I don't speak Vosa well.'
Sasaako ja / Sasaako jasi fin / svid / eng? = 'Do you speak / Do you speak Finnish / Swedish / English?'
Ma ajsiof - usteaf
Ma ajsiof, kojo oo in halo.
Pyyhen oo jaof ersa.
Uut jaof pöhyl.
Hääp jaof obra,
ali la rauköl li in halo.
Faa Ja tu ajsi tätanna
ajof kitanva bekem.
A faa tu ajsi ajof ahosi (pitrovsi) ahhafali,
itli li ajsi a faa tu häsi,
kojosi oo reeken ög ajsi (tu ajof obpitva josi).
A ej Ja vigaa ajsi tu miahpoag,
mut fatuu ajsi ut ahva,
syfor jaof oo pöhyl,
po a hon ut kikinova tu kikinova.
See more: Vosa's sentences by topic and basic sentences
In addition, there have been and will be (according to the developer's plans) articles from various fields, e.g. society, environment, data processing, health, problem solving: Ekovisterlo (Eco-smart healthy place), Problems solving and innovating and religion: Hova a rattarva Vosa (Spiritual and ethical Vosa).
As self-study with the materials on the following pages, which will be added, and by establishing study clubs:
• Homepage: https://ekovisterlo.blogspot.com
• Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@Vosatevos
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